4th of July, Fireworks

Okay, the 4th of july has come and gone. We had a great time at the block party at church! You will see more pics of that soon or you could check out my facebook. So Lisette, Lily, and I went to watch the fireworks over at Belleville H.S. It was a great time.. if you notice that little pink and green blanket next to lily.. you see it? It was funny because she had that blanket covering her ears the whole time during the firework show. She said it was loud but was enjoying it soo much and saying "wow!!!, Wow!!!, thats cool!" So she had a great time! Oh, and it wasn't really that loud she was just exagerating. =)

So the wedding plans are going great.. we are moving right along.. pretty much got a date set.. and almost done registering for the gifts. Macy's and Target. =) We meet on Tues night (tomorrow) with our travel agent for our honeymoon plans. We are going to go ahead and try to do a honeymoon registry prayerfully. We are praying that the Lord would continue to bless all that we do. Oh yeah we are also going to start pre-marital counseling very soon. Very excited. =) So let me sign off. I need to get going and get some stuff other stuff done. I'm working on a prayer/mission support card for the pastors son. its looking pretty cool..

that will be an update as well sometime soon... Lord willing. Hope yall are enjoying this..
<<<<<- I really like this pic. =)


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