
Yes, if you haven't yet heard, I'm engaged.. =) It happened last weekend on June 20th. Down in Charlotte N.C. At the prayer garden/memorial at the Billy Graham museum/library.. A quaint little outdoor woodsy type place..(You have to ask her about the story of the "background" to this memory, it has to do with the Susannah Spurgeon biography that she's reading.) We walked down a trail and sat on a bench, ( pretty cool bench made out of logs of wood cut in half. I'm considering getting one for my backyard one day.). So , you are probably asking, "what in the world is up with that picture?" Well, since you asked, I will tell you. This is a pic I took of Lisette and I during our first night of wedding planning. =) the glasses falling off my head were the result of her punching me cause of something i disagreed with. LOL!... No, but seriously. The Lord has been gracious to us. It seems as if we got a lot accomplished this first night. He is sooooo merciful to us. We pray that He would be glorified in all that goes on in and through the planning of this wedding as we seek to honor Him in our marriage. Your prayers are much appreciated. So .. stay tuned for more updates and stories on how things are going. (I will probably need an ice pack for my eye. =) LOL.. just joking.. She is sitting behind me as I write this laughing at me. =) I could enjoy that laugh for the rest of my life. Thank You Lord. =) night all. Lord bless<><


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