It has been a little while since the last post. Okay.. I admit i haven't got the hang of this thing yet.. or maybe i've been busy. =) You will notice a pic of my sweet precious daughter and I in front of a Charleston South Carolina map. We visited and went to the isle of Palms with the family. The beach was beautiful, the hotel was very nice, and the golf was great (Charleston National country club).

It was very nice to get away for a little vacation, but since i've been back its back to business, work, church, and leadership meetings. It was a good time of getting refreshed. Did some reading and got a little more familiar with my new ESV bible that my lovely beautiful girlfriend purchased for me. :) I also have been reading several new books that I just got that i'm enjoying very much. "confessions of a reformission rev." by mark driscoll and "Total Church" by Steve Timmis/Tim Chester. Along with my 2nd time around reading "knowing God" by j.i. packer. I'm soo excited at all the cool things the Lord has been doing lately in my life. I've been helping out the Pastor's son with preparation for finishing bible college and going to the mission field. Sad to say that he just recently got injured and thus had to postpone all the speaking engagements he had begun to schedule for the summer to speak about the vision the Lord has given him for missions.
I've been reading and studying lately about missions and how sometimes the church has it misunderstood in the sense that the stereotype is to soley go to a foreign land. Which leads to the neglecting of the "love thy neighbor" command. We are all called as christians to be missionaries in the environment, culture, and community that the Lord has placed us in. We shouldn't "soley" go to the ends of the earth while forgetting about our jerusalem and judea. So its been a very interesting study. Well at this point i'm looking to sign off and pick up a book. =) Looking forward to next week.. Taking my daughter down to visit with the grandparents for a week. Should be such a blessing. Grace and Peace.... Thy will be done O' Lord!


Anonymous June 12, 2009 at 11:17 PM  

What another great way of reaching out, glad you started it. I see you had a fun time in NC. I pray the Lord blesses your page as it continues to grow. I'll be checking in. <><

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