homework.. spiritual leadership

Tonight proved to be a very studious time. Plans got changed and pushed to tomorrow and therefore i took advantage of a free night to catch up on some reading, homework, listening to sermons, and praying. Oh I even found time to design a cover for a brothers new worship cd coming out soon. Will keep ya posted on that. So.. the homework.. interesting enough my lady-friend has been listening to a sermon series on prayer and has been sharing with me some of the cool truths that the Lord has been revealing to her. So I figured since I have plenty of listening time in my travels for work that i would download the same series and check it out. 'Lo and behold I was extremely blessed. Then turned to my homework and guess what the chapter I was to read was about...? You got it.. prayer! Crazy right.. not really, if you believe in the sovereignty of God. =) So needless to say, I was really ministered to as i looked up scripture after scripture reference in my ESV bible on prayer.
I will share very briefly considering the hour that i'm blogging.. one, maybe two references.. The first is Luke 6:12, which speaks of Jesus going away to pray all night before choosing the twelve apostles the next morning. O' how we need to seek the Father in prayer for our decisions. The next is found in Hebrews 5:7. This speaks of Jesus while in the flesh found the need to offer up prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears. Hmm.. how often do we do that. Lord teach us to pray. Thank You Jesus for Your example. I love You, my Saviour! Well, thats all for now folks.. i'm off to bed.. resting in the Lord for He is faithful.


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