Apartment hunting and just hanging

Okay.. Here goes another post.. I've heard through the grapevine that bridal shower invites have officially "been mailed". So that's exciting. We have been fighting off the peoples jokes about our registry lists at Macy's and Target being so small.. well that's because we have a HONEYMOON REGISTRY! =) Let me take a moment to explain.. We both are mature adults who have moved out of our parents house years ago. In living on our own (separately, not living in the same place) we have accumulated many household items that a typical young couple that still lives with their parents would not have had the opportunity to stock pile. =) So with all that said. We have put on the registry the few things that we saw fit as needed and wanted, and decided to put the focus on our HONEYMOON REGISTRY.. by the way you can contact Tammy at www.mygloriousgetaways.com if you would like to contribute to it. =) (shameless plug) lol. So yeah about the pics. The first one with my beautiful Lisette and I sitting on the couch is us babysitting my cousin's kids while he and his wife went out on a date. =) We had a great time, and they were surprised to get home with all the kids asleep. They were very grateful and we were blessed to be able to minister to them in that way. =) We had fun. The other pic is of my two gals, Lily and Lisette. We went out for pizza right before going to the park. Had a good time. Those two just love each other sooo much. =) I must have took about 6 pics before i got a good one of the both of them smiling and looking at the camera at the same time. =)... the last pic (the dark one) is of Lisette in front of this cool fountain at this park we found while apartment hunting in Lyndhurst. We really liked the park alot. =) The apartments, ehh.. not soo much. =) God knows and will provide.. we still have a bunch more to see. So keep us in your prayers. The wedding plans are going smooth. We are working on the wedding invites now and will get those finished and mailed out soon as well. Lisette bought her dress!!! How exciting.. but i don't have a pic of it to show you.. so if you want to see, like i do, you have to come to the wedding.. or wait for the pics to be posted afterwards. =) I'm sure she will look beautiful on that day.. even moreso than she does everyday, if that were possible.. but we will have to wait and see. =).. Well yeah, i believe its possible, because that will be the day I will be able to call her, "my wife".. =) The Lord Jesus has been soo gracious to us. Hope you all are enjoying this blog. prayers are always appreciated.. and comments too.. peace<><


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