Grounds for Sculpture. Day at a Sculpture park.

We decided to take a little break from the wedding planning for a little while to take a trip to the Grounds for Sculpture. It was a beautiful day and this trip had been postponed due to weather. So off we went to the Park. We had a great time walking around and checking out all the sculptures in the park. Some very strange stuff of course. Got some cool pics.. When Lisette uploads the pics from her camera, we'll post them. =)

We really enjoyed spending this time together in the midst of all the planning. It was nice to slow down and take it all in and enjoy it. Thank the Lord that everything is going smoothly and we really aren't
stressed out at all. God has been
faithfully providing. So yeah, as my honey would say, "its all good!" =) The pic with Lisette standing in a doorway is really cool. There was this little area kind of hidden off the trail that had this awesome doorway totally carved out of wood, with such cool designs. She liked it a lot, hence the pic. =) The pic of me sitting was a pretty cool piece of art.. It was a chair in the middle of several trees forming a circle around the chair. =) How genius! Oh and that last pic.. we had someone take it of us walking around on the roof of one of the buildings.. =) (you are very guillable if you believe me). It was part of the
sculpture park. Crazy right. =) i thought it was creative. So.. a little over 2 1/2 months from the time of this blog until i marry my beauty. We are soo very excited and grateful for all the Lord is doing. Oh yeah, we also just started our premarital. the first session was cool. We got our books and a lot of homework and ground to cover in a short time.. thats what happens in short engagements. =) We are up for the challenge. Okay.. its getting late and i need some sleep. Thanks for checking out our blog. Oh and Target and Macy's for our registry. But we actually prefer you contact Tammy at and let her know you want to contribute to our honeymoon registry. =) That would be much apprecieated. =) peace<><


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