Our Apartment

Okay.. sorry guys.. been a little busy as you can see in the pics.. NEW APARTMENT.. yippeee =) rejoice with us.. maybe one day we'll host a party for all of our blog readers and have some brazilian bbq.. =) Sounds good huh?. =) God is soo good!!! We got the apartment on the 15th of August and I moved in and have begun to prepare it for the homecoming of my beautiful bride to be on October the 10th! Its right around the corner.. i can't wait. So we painted the bedroom as you can see a nice soft/darker tone.. to give it a soft romantic feel.. yeah man!!! =) Praise the Lord. Our bedroom set was delivered and setup. Given to us by
Lisette's cool parents. The Lord has been faithful!
Okay.. So back to the pics.. yup. One of the pics is of my silly girl, Lily helping us paint. She is an artist in the making. I hope this is not the beginning of a graffiti life. =) LOL! She is a blessing. =) She really helped out a lot. The other pic is of Lisette and Lily cooking breakfast together. Lisette decided to come over on Saturday morning and make us breakfast before we started all the cleaning. What a precious gal she is! What a breakfast too.. yummy!!! She made some eggs, bacon, and biscuits.
The bacon was AWESOME!!!!
The other picture is of us cleaning (actually sitting between cleaning) the apartment. Its been a blessing. We had a couple of people from the church over and check out the place already. We all prayed together for the apartment that God would be honored and glorified in our home! So yeah.. good stuff..
We just finished our invitations.. i know, i know.. we are running late with it. But its done and going in the mail on Monday. Actually Lisette is putting the last few together as i post this blog.
I sneaked a peak at the registry today and am soo excited about that as well..
if you haven't done so yet.. check it out.. there ain't a whole lot left so if you don't find anything for us at Target.com registry, or Macy's registry.. you can always donate to our HONEYMOON registry.. yup thats right.. you too can be a part of our sooo sooo very special HONEYMOON (you can't come with us though). =) But you can help be a part of blessing us in it. Just visit and contact Tammy at www.mygloriousgetaways.com . That would be a blessing to us. =) Thanks again for checking out our blog.. We pray all is well with you and are soo very excited to have you be apart of our upcoming (not soon enough) day! Lord bless ya! (i sound like a salesman with that whole honeymoon pitch, don't i? ) =) Can you tell i'm excited. =)

Wedding plans coming along. =)

Excited yet?.. We are!!! Its about 2 months away.. God has been good.. so whatsup with all the pics? Well, i'm glad you asked. =) We had a great day of getting much accomplished. We busted out both of our laptops and got to work on getting info and reservations. Oh, we also got all the basic information for the wedding invites done.. just got to get them printed.. there is a special surprise with that. Lisette and I designed them ourselves.. I know, you can't wait to see them. =)

The pics are of the ship we are going on for our honeymoon cruise.. =) I'm very extremely excited about that!I hope it actually looks like that and not a little sailboat instead.. that wouldn't be cool. =) LOL! I actually just got my passport
updated as well. =) The pic of the
stretched Navigator is the car we rented for the wedding day! (very cool!) Its all getting so real, so close, and so very Exciting! God is soo good to us!. We were soo excited about all the stuff we were getting done that our stomachs started making noises because we forgot to have lunch.. LOL! =) So we took a break and went out to eat. So the bridal party is set and the brides-maids are all excited about the bridal shower.. (can't talk too much about that here though) =) The registry is all set. (go check it out.. Macy's, TARGET, and www.mygloriousgetaways.com - to donate to our Honeymoon registry,
tell Tammy you want to donate to our Honeymoon.) =) We would encourage that very much. lol =) We would also like to thank everyone that has been offering their help with the plans.. Its soo awesome to see our family, both blood and spiritual family, come alongside us to bless us with this special occasion. God has been soo very gracious to us. Thank you all. Well that's all for now.. i'm gonna go spend sometime out with my beautiful bride to be! sooo excited. =)

Its also been cool hearing from people that have checked out our blog. keep checking in! =)